Saturday, June 16, 2007

Love and Compassion - Gautam Buddha

Just wrote a post on love and compassion on Sai Baba blog, which reminded me of a story of Gautam Buddha.

Many of the followers use to meditate with Gautam Buddha. After each meditation Gautam Buddha used to tell his disciples, to emit the love and grace gathered through the meditations, to whole of humanity and all the living beings. To which one of the disciple once told the Buddha upon meeting him, that he could emit the love and compassion to all except one, who had harassed him much and given him much pain. To that the Buddha replied that know well that your meditation can only be called to be flowered when the love and compassion flows for this one individual also.

You might like to enjoy a wonderful video made on Buddha's Wisdom from youtube.

More inspirational short stories to read online on this blog

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